
Do you want to access the basic data and financial statements of nearly 1 million Hungarian companies, sole proprietorships, non-governmental organizations and budgetary institutions in the Company Gazette and other public pages in a few clicks? Browse Ownership & Management Interests in Relationship Chart, View Company History & Company Statement? The Company Database service now offers you very favorable terms, extended with the possibility to create business listings and monitor negative data.

Services and modules provided by Crefoport:

  • Basic data of companies: identifiers, headcount, sales trend, fields of activity.
  • Crefoport Rating: A risk score on a scale of 100 to 600, including a failure probability.
  • Download report: Export all company data for a particular company in pdf, xml or html format.
  • Owners and managers: active and deleted managers / owners registration information.
  • Events: Negative or positive events in the company bulletin, NAV page and other sources.
  • Relationship Graph: Visualization of managerial and ownership relationships.
  • Financial reports: financial data of the last 4 years next to each other and original documents (reports,  appendices) up to 2010.
  • Banking Relationships, Auditors: Details of current bank accounts and auditors.
  • Company Statement / Company History: Company information in the Company Statement / Company History data structure used by the Court of Registration.
  • Partner monitoring, client list upload: Possibility of uploading partner lists, whereby the user is continuously informed about the changes he has set up, and he can follow them through the online interface.
  • Marketing Database: Export lists of companies with sales-specific data after setting targeted filtering criteria. Examples of such information are the company name, contact details, and the names of the signatories.
  • Transfer Pricing Database: Filter and export a company database based on a transfer price-specific criteria system.
  • Scholar Database: Database filtering and bulk data export capabilities for all balance sheets and other company data needed for scientific research, back 10 years.




Possibility to purchase daily, weekly and monthly access

If you are not able to take advantage from a one-year subscription to the on-line company information system, but still want to see the list and relation graph of some companies, purchase access for a shorter period of time. Pay online and use the system now!

The process of the shopping

Select the time period on and add it to your cart and then go through the payment process.

After successful payment you will receive an email with your username and password.

Enter the online system at

Daily, weekly, and monthly access includes access to the following modules: company data + Relation graph

Export and Credit Index (Insolvency Index) are only available for annual subscription.

With the annual subscription, the price of the last limited access will be credited!

What data do the modules contain?

Basic information:
name, identifiers, date of foundation, availability, scope of activities, risk class, headcount, related negative information of companies with the same address, managers.
details of owners, other interests, affiliates.
details of signatories.
Negative, positive, and changes to company listings such as executions, liquidations, results of EU tenders, or change of residence
Relationship graph: v
isual representation of owner and manager relationships, also historically
balance sheets and profit and loss accounts for 4 years, original documents for 10 years.
Bank Accounts:
Details of valid bank accounts
Company Statement / Company History:
Company data in the Company Statement / Company History data structure used by the Court of Registration